Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good Heart and Then Some

Today I am very proud of my son, Jaden.

I had one of those moments you always hope will come this morning when a friend of ours, Claire Taylor walked up to my car as I was dropping the kids off at school, and told me how proud she is of Jaden. Apparently her daughter told her that one day several boys were picking on another boy at school, and my son walked up, took this boy by the arm and said "come on". He walked the boy away from the bullies, and made him feel better. I don't know all of the details, but I know that I am so proud of my son. This isn't the first time something like this has happened either, Jaden has a kind heart and really cares about the people around him. I love this kid! I don't think words can begin to describe the depth of love this proud father has for his 9 year old son!


David and Jana said...

Awesome. Thats something to be proud of. What a good boy!

Melanie said...

That is so amazing. Good work Jaden, and good work Jeff & Sara. =) =) =)

Gary said...

Hi Jeff! Haven't got the chance to blog these days. Blogspot's blocked in China. It sucks. nyways.... good to find you here. I have just followed your blog. :)