Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Step One

Step One is a journey piece.

I have been through  so much over the last few years, culminating in the literal hell I have experienced over the past months, a hell of the mind as I have struggled against things of which I have no experience.

As I have searched deeply my relationship with God through these trials, the saying which says "When the Lord closes a door, he always opens a window" has come to my mind repeatedly.

I asked many times over, as I watched the door closed, bolted, barred, chained, nailed, welded, and glued, "where is the window, where is the light, will I every find the abyss fleeing before the tiniest light of hope? God are you there?"

Sometimes God expects us to try our faith by allowing us to step into the dark for a few steps before he actually opens the window.

The bride is beginning her journey, she is not looking up at the window which is the goal for which she begins the journey, but rather she begins the ascent without her eyes fixed upon the goal, rather her heart set on achieving the goal, trusting that the steps will lead where she wants to go. This is like the faith I have discovered and strengthened over the last several months.

The Journey begins when we place our trust in the divine and take our first step into the darkness.



Amanda said...

I know the feeling, Jed has been out of work for almost 6 months and we are still waiting for that window to open.

Jennifer Miller said...

Awsome Jeff....I can't think of any other words to describe my feelings as I read your words. I hope the best for you in EVERYTHING.

Melanie said...

Jeff! I love it. It also makes me feel like I should have been there for you during these last few months. Sure love you!

David and Jana said...

It's a beautiful picture. I love that it has so much meaning and depth.

Julie said...

thank you for that insight Jeff. It is inspiring and a beautiful painting. It means so much more when you give the reasons behind it. I love you big brother!