Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rosmary Rita

This is a recent painting I completed of a character for a ghost story we created as a family one evening at Thanksgiving Point (truth be told we were trying to scare Jaden, my oldest boy, he was six, and it worked, we let him in on the story tho, great parents eh?) Anyway, the story has become a family tradition. I am thinking about writing it and having it published with the kid's illustrations. We will see.

The Main Character's name is Rosemary Rita, and she haunts Thanksgiving Point Gardens in search of kid's stickers to steal.

Justin Portrait Slideshow

Here is a slideshow showing the progression through different phases of painting this portrait. I think it would be great to so a painting and film each brush stroke so you can actually see the painting "paint itself" right before your eyes.

I apologize that the painting moves slightly in each frame. This about a week to do so you can imagine that it was difficult to keep the easel and tripod in exactly the same position the whole time.

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