Saturday, January 3, 2009

Miracle of Creation

I have been commissioned to paint a mural for a friend, and have been working on it the last few days, here are some pics of the unfinished mural:

Believe it or not, I have never painted clouds using an airbrush before, I am not trying to brag, but as I stood back and looked at the sky I had just painted, I marveled at how easy it was for me, and how realistic it looks, I took a moment to thank God for the gift to be able to create like this. It seems that anything creative I do with my hands just comes naturally to me, such a contrast from when I try to do things like real estate, or accounting!


Kelli said...

Incredible! Skyscapes are my favorite theme, and this is absolutely stunning! Good work!

Unlike you, I don't have the natural talent. I'm an office nerd who is trying her darndest to be an artist! :)

Amanda said...

Wow I love how you make it look like the sun is somewhere shining through the clouds. BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the border too I'm sure you did that too. It looks like your style!

bugicidal man said...

Jeff, wow - I have to agree that those clouds are amazing. I'm jealous of your friend having someone so talented to the ceilings. I like the trim that you painted also, framing everything in with something so elegant. Keep posting pics of your work as it really show cases your talent.

This Place is a Disaster! said...

Realistic? YES!!!!